
The Promises of God
(Released 2019)
The Promises of God was the first ever release by Miles Wiley Music. This album was specifically about the promises that God has made to those who follow Him. God promised His presence, He will always pursue, that He will never leave, and many much more. As a Christian, Miles specifically made this album was to give credit to God, for the talent and abilities that he was given.

Liberty (Released 2020)
Liberty was the first album Miles Wiley Music released in February of 2020. The theme of the album is trusting in the freedom that God gives. With a copper cross in the logo of the album, it represents a reflection to the Statue of Liberty that stands in New York City. Demonstrating that true liberty only comes from God.
You Are My King (Released Late 2019)
You Are My King is about putting God first at Christmas, and recognizing Jesus not just as your Savior, but as your King. With a special addition single of a song called "White Christmas" which is a unique take on the Christmas classic.

Showers (Released 2021)
Showers is a compilation of different songs conveying a journey of uncertainty, discerning, faith, love, loss, and hope. It also takes a leap into a different feel of music.
The Journey (Released Late 2020)
A song about the seeking Jesus and the Nativity story. Even as a baby Jesus Christ was still God, and the wise men who traveled to see Him, knew this fact. During Christmas, it is easy to get caught up in all the gifts and traditions. However, it is important to remember that Jesus is still the God of creation and the Savior of the world.

I Want You For Christmas (Released Late 2022)
This is an original take on the hit song "All I Want for Christmas is You" by Mariah Carey. This song first started as Miles was asked the question, "What do you want for Christmas this year?" After realizing that what he wanted was nothing anyone could buy or make, but instead to be with his future wife, he wrote the line "The best present is your presence." This is a song about the longing to be with your future spouse for Christmas and that no present will ever equal to that.
God You Are Good (Released Late 2021)
Written during the pandemic when everything was going haywire and people were asking the question "Why God is this happening?" This song is written as a reminder, that no matter your circumstances God is still good and He will always be there for you.
I Love You (Released Mid 2023)
This song is a message from the perspective of a baby still in its mother's womb, communicating the message of love through the beat of its heart. In this song, there is the morse code for "I love you" that plays in the background as if the heart is beating out the message. My hope is that this song will bring hope and joy to those who listen and that people are reminded of the precious life that lives within the womb.
With Me Again (Released Late 2023)
This song is written from the perspective of God. It starts in the garden of eden where humanity turned away from God, but even in that rebellion God made a way for us to be With Him Again through Jesus Christ. This Gospel centered song mimics the heart of God, and His longing for us to be with Him again. I pray this song speaks to you and reminds you of the Heart of God for you.

Humbly (Released Mid 2024)
This song was written back in October of 2021, back when I found myself in dark place. Humbly is inspired by the story of the Prodigal Son, and at that time I could really relate to that story. This is a personal prayer that came to me in that place. But even in that darkness when I turned to the arms of Christ, He was there with open arms. We all make mistakes and fall short, but instead of walking in pride and not repenting we need to humble ourselves and come back into the arms of God. Not only does He welcome you back, He runs to you the second you repent. I pray this song draws you close into the arms of Christ.